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Escarpment PROBUS Club Of Milton

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Note: These clubs are currently suspended due to decline in participation or the need for a new convenor. If you are interested in one of these clubs, please contact our social chair. The meeting date/time/location can be changed if the club is re-instated.

Book club members meet monthly to discuss a book chosen by that particular's month's host/hostess. The clubs generally use the lending program of the Milton Public Library for the supply of the chosen books.

Chicks with Sticks are knitters. Members meet to show their current projects and exchange ideas and tips. 

Are you artsy or crafty? Whether your hobby is paper crafting, crochet, needlepoint, drawing, painting, sewing or other, then Craftaholics is the club for you.

The Dinner club arranges dinners that cater to eight people, with each couple (or 2 singles) responsible for 1 portion of the pre-determined menu. Cost of the food and wine is divided among the members. A book is published annually with the year's meal recipes and schedule.

The High Rollers was a spin-off from the Bee-Gees. They played two dice games (Yahtzee and Farkle) over Zoom during COVID.

The Trail Walkers hike easy to moderate trails generally within Halton Region (conservation areas, regional forest tracts, Royal Botanical Gardens, etc.) arranged by the convenor.

Suds & Buds is a beer tasting club. The host/hostess provides from four to six beverages based on a theme for the members to taste and rate. The host/hostess dictates the maximum number of tasters that their home can accommodate.

Parlez-vous français, Club Français offers two groups (Basic and Conversation) that provide a non-judgmental and relaxed atmosphere where members can learn/converse in French and have fun.

Convenor: Barbara Alderson

Meet: 2nd Tuesday @ 1:15 pm

Location: Members' home

Convenor: looking for new convenor

Meet: 4th Thursday @ 12:30 pm

Location: Members' home

Convenor: looking for new convenor

Meet: Thursday after the general meeting  @ 10:30 am

Location: Members' home

Convenor: looking for new convenor

Meet: 1st Wednesday @ 1 pm

Location: Grace Church Hall

Convenor: Auriel Halliday

Meet: Scheduled by convenor

Location: Members' home

Convenor: Diane Comstock

Meet: 2nd Tuesday @ 1 pm (Yahtzee)
             4th Tuesday @ 1pm (Farkle)

Location: Zoom

Convenor:  looking for new convenor


Location: Scheduled by convenor

Convenor: looking for new convenor

Meet: 4th Thursday @ 7 pm

Location: Members' home

Convenor: Anne-Françoise Gibbard

Meet: 2nd Wednesday @ 10 / 11 am

Location: Members' home

© 2024 by Escarpment PROBUS Club of Milton Ontario

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